Stevens County Fire District 4
The Training Center is located in the small town of Valley, off Stevens County's Hwy. 231 in Eastern Washington State north of Spokane. The District has several acres in this scenic Colville Valley location with plans to develop the site for stationary training equipment and a future Resident Program.
This is the building where the Chief and District Secretary have an office. The Secretary keeps scheduled hours though it is always good to call before coming in case the Secretary is off on business or leave. As with most of the our Volunteers, the Chief, has a full time job so he does not have an office schedule, please call the Secretary to make an appointment to meet with the Chief.
The Commissioner's Meeting is held here also every month on the 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. These meetings are open to the Public.
Volunteer Firefighters use the grounds and classroom for meetings and training.
The Support vehicle, S-45, used in support of the Volunteers fighting Structure or Wildland fires. This Garage is now designated at Station 45.The garage holds S-45 along with our cascade oxygen supply system and MOB Brush Truck which is used on State-wide forest fires.